Check out the blog of my friend Mrs. Lau (Science and Math with Mrs. Lau) for more information and links to the the stores that will be participating in the sale: Mole Day Sale
Here are a couple of my resources that will be on sale. (And I have 98 other resources that you might want to check out too!)
My Chemical Symbols Color by Number activity lets students practice chemical symbols by coloring the puzzle to match the chemical symbol in each section.
My Chemical Symbols Color by Number activity lets students practice chemical symbols by coloring the puzzle to match the chemical symbol in each section.
And my Chemistry Vocabulary Playing Cards help students to identify molecules, compounds, atoms and elements and match pictures to names, symbols, formulas, and definitions.
Might be irrelevant - but here's a funny - and true - mole story. A school nearby put in geothermal heating. A 5 year old girl who was deaf started signing, "mole, mole." Nobody else had seen it yet and thought maybe her signs were being misinterpreted. Sure enough, a few days later, it was spotted. It was awesome - she had quite the background knowledge and vocabulary! :) Anne